Examines how insurance benefit design, including high deductibles and co-insurance, impact prescription drug access, along with the importance of copay assistance and how states are ensuring that it count towards beneficiary cost-sharing obligations.
Policies & programs needed to ensure PrEP access
Details policies and programs needed to ensure and promote PrEP access to #endHIV: reviewing insurance plans to see if they follow the ACA requirement to cover PrEP w/o patient cost-sharing, the need for greater funding of @CDC_HIVAIDS & community health centers, & potential USPSTF evaluation of long-acting PrEP products
Enforcement needed to ensure health plan compliance with HIV preventive drug requirement
Examines the federal requirement for private insurers to cover PrEP without cost-sharing, state actions to comply, transparency issues, and next steps for enforcing the requirement.
New Private Insurance Requirements for PrEP: No Patient Cost-Sharing
Discusses new requirement for private insurers to cover PrEP without cost-sharing, an early analysis of insurer compliance, and the need for federal and state enforcement.
Ensuring patients can afford their medications during COVID-19
Provides details on how insurers’ treatment of manufacturer copay assistance affects patients’ out-of-pocket spending and how high costs drive up prescription abandonment rates, especially while patients deal with the economic effects of COVID.