
Patient groups reply to government’s brief in landmark lawsuit challenging copay accumulators

The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, Diabetes Leadership Council, Diabetes Patient Advocacy Coalition, and three patients filed their reply in support of their motion for summary judgment in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in their ongoing lawsuit against copay accumulators. The suit challenges HHS’s 2021 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters rule, which permits insurance plans to refuse to credit copay assistance from drug manufacturers toward beneficiaries’ deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums.

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Amicus briefs filed in suit to end policy that prohibits copay assistance from counting toward patients’ out-of-pocket spending

Yesterday, 29 patient, provider, and consumer organizations representing a wide range of illnesses and health conditions filed an amicus brief in support of a case brought against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, the Diabetes Leadership Council, the Diabetes Patient Advocacy Coalition, and three patients. Filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the lawsuit challenges the federal 2021 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters rule, which allows health insurers to avoid counting the value of drug manufacturer copay assistance toward patients’ out-of-pocket cost obligations. Plaintiffs recently filed a motion for summary judgment, asserting that the rule violates cost-sharing requirements mandated by the Affordable Care Act and is also arbitrary and capricious.

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HIV organizations file discrimination complaints against North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield

Today, the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute and the North Carolina AIDS Action Network filed discrimination complaints against Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina for placing almost all HIV drugs, including generic Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), on the highest drug tiers, thus forcing people living with and vulnerable to HIV to pay excessive high costs to take their drugs.

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71 patient groups comment on how nondiscrimination in healthcare rule can improve prescription drug access

The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute (HIV+Hep) and the Autoimmune Association, along with 69 other patient organizations, commented on how the Section 1557 nondiscrimination in healthcare proposed rule can be used to improve patient access to prescription drugs. In their comment letter, the patient groups expressed strong support for the “meaningful steps to improve upon current regulations to ensure that people are not discriminated against in healthcare. In several instances, you have proposed to restore protections that had been included in the past but later withdrawn. In other instances, you have provided further clarity on what constitutes discrimination. In any instance, we emphasize that the law and whatever is finalized in regulation must be strictly enforced.”

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Insurers warned that excessive utilization management of prescription drugs is potentially discriminatory

As part of the Biden administration’s proposed rule to implement the Affordable Care Act’s nondiscrimination provisions, excessive use of utilization management for prescription drugs, including prior authorization, step therapy, and durational or quantity limits could be deemed discriminatory. Additionally, the proposed rule adds back protections that prohibit insurers and other health programs from engaging in marketing practices and benefit design that discriminate on the basis of certain conditions, including disability. 

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