Biden budget maintains domestic HIV funding & proposes PrEP & hepatitis C programs
Press Release

Washington DC… President Biden has proposed to basically maintain current funding levels to address both HIV and hepatitis programs in the United States as part of his FY2025 budget proposal. The budget also includes the establishment of new mandatory spending programs to increase access to PrEP, which are medications that prevent HIV, and to end hepatitis C, which can be cured with daily oral medications in as little as 8-12 weeks. Both these initiatives must be congressionally authorized and were proposed in prior budgets.
“While we appreciate the proposed continued funding of domestic HIV and hepatitis programs and acknowledge the legislatively imposed budget constraints and competing priorities, the reality is that, without serious increases, our nation cannot meet its goals to end the HIV and hepatitis epidemics on time,” commented Carl Schmid, Executive Director of the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute. “Now, we must take our case for any funding increases to Congress, which has found it difficult to agree on spending bills, and House Republicans have even proposed to cut domestic HIV spending this year by $767 million.”
For the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative (EHE), which was initiated by former President Trump and continued by President Biden, the budget calls for an increase of only $20 million over FY2023. This contrasts greatly with the $277 million increase proposed last year. The proposed EHE FY2025 increases would be $10 million more for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program for care and treatment and $10 million more for the Indian Health Service to address HIV and hepatitis C. EHE funding at the CDC and community health centers to increase PrEP uptake are proposed to be level funded.
Funding for other domestic HIV programs, including the remaining parts of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, CDC HIV prevention, the HHS Minority HIV/AIDS Fund, and HUD’s Housing Opportunities for People Living with AIDS (HOPWA) program, are all level funded. Hepatitis prevention at the CDC is also flat funded at $43 million.
The Biden administration’s budget for the Department of Justice includes $10 million for a new initiative to reform outdated HIV criminalization statutes, which contribute to HIV-related stigma and discrimination.
“Authorizing any new government programs by Congress, including capping prescription drug costs, will take time and stakeholder consensus. We look forward to these historic opportunities. In the meantime, for immediate outcomes for people at risk of HIV and who live with hepatitis C, we need increased funding now. Additionally, we must ensure that existing government programs, funding streams, and grantees, along with payers such as Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance, are all working and held accountable for achieving results,” concluded Schmid.
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The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute is a national, non-profit organization whose mission is to promote quality and affordable healthcare for people living with or at risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other serious and chronic health conditions.
(301) 801-9847