HIV+Hep comments on Trump proposal to increase drug costs for patients

Press Release

March 4, 2020
Washington DC… Earlier this week the HIV + Hepatitis Policy Institute submitted comments to the HHS in strong opposition to a proposal that would dramatically increase the cost of prescription drugs for patients. In the 2021 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters rule, HHS proposed to allow insurers to not count drug manufacturer coupons to count toward patient out-of-pocket cost sharing.
In the comments, Carl Schmid, Executive Director of HIV + Hep , wrote:
“At a time when the American people are rightfully complaining about how much they pay for prescription drugs, HIV + Hep cannot understand why the administration is proposing to allow insurance plans to not count copay assistance towards beneficiaries’ out-of-pocket costs and deductibles. This proposal, if finalized, would be a major setback for patients as they seek to access prescription drugs and goes against President Trump’s promise to make prescription drugs more affordable. We urge you not to finalize such an anti-patient proposal.”
The proposal is a complete reversal of the administration’s policy included in the rule for 2020 plans that required copay assistance to count for brand name drugs that do not have a generic.
Schmid added, “We do not know exactly what transpired between now and then, but we do know that some large employers and insurers voiced strong disapproval of the policy decision.  HIV + Hep trusts that for the benefit of patients who rely on costly prescription drugs, the administration will, at a minimum, revert to the 2020 policy. Ideally, we believe that copay assistance should count in all instances.”
Carl Schmid
(202) 365-7725

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