“We can’t comprehend why the Biden administration, which has championed access and affordability of prescription drugs for the American people, would appeal this decision. By siding against patients who depend on prescription drugs and with insurers, they are allowing insurers to ‘double bill’ and extract more money from patients and drug manufacturers by implementing copay accumulators.” said Carl Schmid, executive director of the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. “The court’s decision is very clear: copay assistance for prescription drugs without a generic equivalent must now count for patients.”
Biden administration takes on insurer abuses in prescription drug coverage
“While we are pleased that CMS is taking steps to clamp down on insurers who are abusing the system by covering drugs without including them as part of essential health benefits, we are disappointed they are not directing payers to immediately count copay assistance, at a minimum, for brand name drugs without a generic alternative,” commented Carl Schmid, executive director of the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute. “While we understand that the case was recently decided, it will be important that CMS issue guidance that directs payers to comply now with the Court’s decision and ensure enforcement.”
House votes signal strong opposition to domestic HIV funding cuts
Recent votes by the U.S. House of Representatives that unsuccessfully sought to cut domestic HIV programs offer a clear signal that even a wide majority of the House reject domestic HIV funding cuts. Yesterday, the House overwhelmingly rejected an amendment to the Labor, HHS appropriation bill that would have eliminated the HHS Minority HIV/AIDS Fund by a vote of 109 to 324. On that vote, more Republicans (110) voted against the amendment than for it. An amendment to cut AIDS research at the NIH was made in order by leadership but ultimately was never offered.
Job Announcement: Government Affairs Manager
The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in the District of Columbia whose mission is to promote quality and affordable healthcare for people living with or at risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other serious and chronic health conditions. We are seeking a Government Affairs Manager to advocate for our policy goals to end the HIV and hepatitis epidemics and increase access and affordability of healthcare with a focus on prescription drugs.
From the office of Massachusetts Senate President Karen E. Spilka: Senate passes bill expanding access to HIV prevention drug
“For the first time since PrEP became available eleven years ago, over a third of the people CDC believes could benefit from being on PrEP are being prescribed it. However, there are stark and widening racial, ethnic, and gender disparities in PrEP use in Massachusetts and nationwide,” said Kevin Herwig, Health Policy Manager at HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute. “Allowing pharmacists to prescribe PrEP, as well as to link people with PrEP clinical services and HIV testing, will help remove barriers to getting HIV preventive medication for people and communities who have not yet been able to benefit from the promise of PrEP. We thank the Senate, Senate President Spilka, Senator Cyr, and others for supporting this important legislation.”