Statement on HHS proposal on copay assistance for drugs

Press Release

January 17, 2020

Washington DC…In response to the release of the draft 2021 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters rule by HHS today, Carl Schmid of the HIV + Hepatitis Policy Institute, who has been a leading patient advocate in support of ensuring copay assistance for prescription drugs counts toward patient cost-sharing obligations, issued the following statement:

“Patients are rightfully complaining about how much they pay for prescription drugs. High deductibles and high co-insurance are making drugs out of reach for many patients. Copay assistance allows them to afford and adhere to their medications. Today’s proposal by the Trump Administration, which requires insurance plans to count copay assistance, is a major victory for patients and delivers on the President’s promise to make prescription drugs more affordable. We look forward to its finalization and implementation.”


Today’s proposal by the Trump Administration, which allows insurance plans not to count copay assistance, is a major setback for patients and goes against the President’s promise to make prescription drugs more affordable. Not only will it increase patients’ costs, but it will translate in insurance companies collecting even more money off prescription drugs. We urge HHS not to finalize such an absurd proposal.

Carl Schmid
(202) 365-7725

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