
Letter on the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for Secretary of the Dept. of Health and Human Services

As the Committee considers the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to serve as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, a leading national HIV and hepatitis policy organization promoting quality and affordable healthcare for people living with or at risk for HIV, hepatitis, and other serious and chronic health conditions, urges you to ensure the nominee will uphold a commitment to science, the public health, and to ending HIV through robust research, treatment, and prevention programs.

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Support for NJ S3818 to ensure copay assistance counts toward patients costs

More and more insurers and PBMs have instituted harmful policies that do not apply copay assistance towards beneficiaries’ out-of-pocket costs and deductibles. Currently, 2 out of 6 health plans available on the New Jersey individual marketplace have language in their individual health plan documents stating that copay assistance may not be counted.  When implementing these policies, the insurer collects the copay assistance from the drug manufacturer and the patient is able to pick up their medication, but that copay assistance is not counting towards the beneficiary’s deductible or out-of-pocket obligation. Then, later in the year, when the beneficiary goes to pick up their drug, they find out that copay assistance did not count and are stuck with a huge, unexpected copay. In order to pick up their drug they are forced to come up with often thousands of dollars, which few people have. Insurers are double dipping: first they receive the copay assistance from the drug manufacturer and then they collect it again from the beneficiary.

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Substandard & discriminatory HIV medication plan design and coverage by Medica in Iowa

These benefit designs, which discourage enrollment by Iowans living with HIV, are plainly discriminatory.  We urge the Iowa Insurance Division, which reviews, approves, and regulates Marketplace plans in Iowa, to take immediate action against Medica for offering these substandard plans that violate the ACA and its implementing regulations.  We urge you to ensure that these violations are rectified before the new plan year begins.

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HIV+Hep & RIPHI & Open Door Health complaint on substandard & discriminatory HIV medication coverage by Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare in Rhode Island

HIV+Hep, Rhode Island Public Health Institute, and Open Door Health are writing to express our concern about substandard, discriminatory coverage of HIV treatment medications by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care health plans that use its 2025 “Core 5 Tier” formulary in Rhode Island. These plans do not meet the regulatory standards for formulary adequacy in CFR 156.122 (a)(3)(iii)(H) by failing to cover treatment regimens recommended in broadly accepted treatment guidelines and that are indicative of clinical best practice, thereby discouraging enrollment by people living with HIV.

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