There are currently over 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States and approximately 32,000 new diagnoses annually, with only 65 percent of people virally suppressed and only 36 percent of the people who would benefit from PrEP on it. While we are making progress, racial, ethnic, gender, and geographic disparities persist, and continued investments are needed to reduce new infections and bring more people into care and treatment.
Senate testimony on FY25 appropriations for HIV and hepatitis programs
Our nation can eliminate both HIV and viral hepatitis, but without investing additional resources to accelerate our efforts, we will continue to fall short of these ambitious goals. Increased investment–and certainly not cuts–in surveillance, education, prevention, and care and treatment will lead to further progress in reducing HIV and viral hepatitis, which include taking a syndemic approach to achieve maximum impact.
Comments to MD Prescription Drug Affordability Board on HIV treatments
While we are supportive of the Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) goal of improving treatment affordability, we urge PDAB members and staff to address concerns surrounding access to provider-recommended HIV treatments at the individual level and the impact on broader public health goals and provide clarity around the affordability review process to enable meaningful community input.
Concerns with Rhode Island Drug Cost Review Commission (S 2719)
Given the important nature of prescription drugs to the life-saving treatment of HIV and hepatitis B, and now the cure of hepatitis C and the prevention of HIV, we have long advocated for affordable access to prescription medications. We applaud your commitment to ensuring that beneficiaries can access and afford the prescription medications that their providers prescribe. While we support and share the committee’s intent to lower out-of-pocket costs for consumers, we believe the proposed Rhode Island Drug Cost Review Commission (S 2719) would neither benefit patients in the long run nor result in reducing patients’ costs.
Concerns with Rhode Island Drug Cost Review Commission (H 8220)
We believe policymakers should focus on those issues that directly impact patients, such as PBM regulation and reform, standard plan designs with reasonable deductibles and nominal copays, and ensuring copay assistance counts. For example, Rhode Island still allows issuers to implement harmful copay accumulator adjustment policies that permit double-dipping by payers to take copay assistance without crediting beneficiary out-of-pocket costs.