The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, a leading organization advocating for equitable and affordable healthcare for individuals living with or at risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other chronic health conditions, strongly supports Assembly Bill 5217. This vital legislation ensures that health insurers accept and count payments made on behalf of patients toward their deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums.
Support for Missouri Senate bill 45 to ensure all copays count for patients
The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, a leading organization advocating for equitable and affordable healthcare for individuals living with or at risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other chronic health conditions, strongly supports Senate Bill 45. This vital legislation ensures that health insurers accept and count payments made on behalf of patients toward their deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums.
Comments on Colorado’s draft PrEP guidance
We commend the Colorado Division of Insurance for taking the initiative to update state guidance on PrEP coverage. We support a finalized regulation and bulletin that clarifies that all PrEP medications and services must be covered without prior authorization or cost-sharing. We urge you to clarify that all FDA-approved PrEP medications must be covered without prior authorization or cost-sharing.
Testimony Supporting NH’s SB 17 to Ensure Copay Assistance Counts toward Patient Costs
By passing Senate Bill 17, New Hampshire will join 21 other states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico in protecting consumers purchasing insurance on the private market. This legislation ensures that copay assistance counts toward cost-sharing obligations, preventing patients from facing insurmountable financial barriers to their medications.
Oregon PDAB comments on HIV drug affordability, copay accumulators, and alternative funding programs
As the Oregon PDAB begins reviewing its initial list of prescription drugs, we believe that affordability reviews of HIV medications fail to fully account for the intricacies of the existing HIV safety net, which makes lifesaving HIV treatments affordable for most people. We also want to raise numerous factors in the global HIV drug ecosystem that would be difficult for a state to consider. Finally, we reiterate our support for the proposed legislative policy recommendations that enhance transparency around insurers’ use of copay accumulators, maximizers, and the need to consider alternative funding programs.