New Hampshire letter on substandard & discriminatory HIV medication coverage & plan design by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute is writing to express our concern about substandard, discriminatory coverage of HIV treatment medications by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care health plans that use its 2025 “Core 4 Tier” and “Core 5 Tier” formularies in New Hampshire. These plans do not meet the regulatory standards for formulary adequacy in CFR 156.122 (a)(3)(iii)(H) by failing to cover treatment regimens recommended in broadly accepted treatment guidelines and that are indicative of clinical best practice, thereby discouraging enrollment by people living with HIV.

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Maine letter on substandard & discriminatory HIV medication coverage & plan design by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, are writing to express our concern about substandard, discriminatory coverage of HIV treatment medications by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care health plans that use its 2025 “Core 5 Tier” formulary in Maine. These plans do not meet the regulatory standards for formulary adequacy in CFR 156.122 (a)(3)(iii)(H) by failing to cover treatment regimens recommended in broadly accepted treatment guidelines and that are indicative of clinical best practice, thereby discouraging enrollment by people living with HIV.[1] 

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Substandard and discriminatory HIV medication coverage and plan design by Community Health Choice Texas

We are writing to express our continuing concern about substandard, discriminatory coverage of HIV treatment medications on Community Health Choice Texas “Premier” and “Select” health insurance plans.  As we have previously stated, the formularies for these plans, among other things, do not meet the regulatory standards for formulary adequacy in CFR 156.122 (a)(3)(iii)(H) by failing to cover treatment regimens specified in broadly accepted treatment guidelines and that are indicative of clinical best practice, and by discouraging enrollment by people living with HIV.

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Oppose domestic HIV programs cuts of over $541 million in Labor HHS approps. bill

There are currently over 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States and approximately 32,000 new diagnoses annually, with only 65 percent of people virally suppressed and only 36 percent of the people who would benefit from PrEP on it. While we are making progress, racial, ethnic, gender, and geographic disparities persist, and continued investments are needed to reduce new infections and bring more people into care and treatment.

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Senate testimony on FY25 appropriations for HIV and hepatitis programs

Our nation can eliminate both HIV and viral hepatitis, but without investing additional resources to accelerate our efforts, we will continue to fall short of these ambitious goals. Increased investment–and certainly not cuts–in surveillance, education, prevention, and care and treatment will lead to further progress in reducing HIV and viral hepatitis, which include taking a syndemic approach to achieve maximum impact.

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