HIV/AIDS groups are concerned that MassHealth (Massachusetts Medicaid) has not yet added cabotegravir, a new long-acting injectable form of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV, to its formulary. We urge MassHealth to make sure injectable long-acting cabotegravir as PrEP is available on formulary without any barriers to access, such as utilization management or prior authorization requirements.
64 organizations request expedited Medicare National Coverage Determination for long-acting injectable PrEP
We are pleased that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has accepted a request for a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for cabotegravir, a new long-acting injectable form of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV. A National Coverage Determination is the only pathway to coverage under Medicare Part B for a provider-administered drug. We have, however, been disappointed to learn that CMS has given no timeline for action on this National Coverage Determination, which will make this new long-acting PrEP medication out of reach for potential PrEP users. Combined with a USPSTF recommendation, an NCD will also make the drug available to Medicare Part B beneficiaries without cost-sharing, thus eliminating one of the biggest barriers to PrEP uptake.
Testimony in support of increased funding for domestic HIV and hepatitis programs in the House FY 2023 Labor, HHS spending bill
On behalf of the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, we respectfully submit this testimony in support of increased funding for domestic HIV and hepatitis programs in the FY 2023 Labor, HHS spending bill. Our nation is on a path to eliminating two infectious diseases, HIV and viral hepatitis, but we need increased funding to accelerate our efforts particularly in communities and populations disproportionately impacted. Increased investment in surveillance, education, prevention, and care and treatment will ensure we continue to address HIV and viral hepatitis, including taking a syndemic approach to achieve maximum impact. The programs and funding increases detailed below are pivotal to our nation’s ability to end both HIV and hepatitis.
Testimony on FY 2023 appropriations for HIV and hepatitis programs
On behalf of the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, we respectfully submit this testimony in support of increased funding for domestic HIV and hepatitis programs in the FY 2023 Labor, HHS spending bill. The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute is a leading HIV and hepatitis policy organization promoting quality and affordable healthcare for people living with or at risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other serious and chronic health conditions.
111 HIV & LGBT organizations request funding for national PrEP grant program
The undersigned 111 public health, HIV, hepatitis, and STD community-based organizations, along with providers, community health centers, and advocacy organizations are writing to urge you to support the creation of a national PrEP grant program to prevent HIV in the United States.