Prescription Drugs

Patient groups letter urging the Biden administration to oppose extending the TRIPS waiver

On behalf of patients battling illnesses such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, genetic disorders, and antibiotic-resistant infections, we write to convey our profound opposition to recent actions supported by the Biden administration regarding intellectual property (IP) protections and express our concerns with potential actions that may further erode IP protections that are necessary to produce lifesaving medicines.

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71 patient groups comment on nondiscrimination rule in healthcare

We, the undersigned 71 organizations, on behalf of millions of patients and American consumers who live with complex conditions such as HIV, autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes, lupus, hemophilia, mental illness, hepatitis, and neurological conditions write to comment on the Proposed Rulemaking for ACA Section 1557 Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities. As detailed below, we are extremely pleased that you have taken meaningful steps to improve upon current regulations to ensure that people are not discriminated against in healthcare. In several instances, you have proposed to restore protections that had been included in the past but later withdrawn.  In other instances, you have provided further clarity on what constitutes discrimination.  In any instance, we emphasize that the law and whatever is finalized in regulation must be strictly enforced.

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Support for New York’s S.5299-A/A.1741-A on copay assistance

The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute is a leading HIV and hepatitis policy organization promoting quality and affordable healthcare for people living with or at risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other serious and chronic health conditions. We strongly support S.5299-A/A.1741-A, which would require health insurers to accept and count payments made on behalf of patients towards deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums. We urge you to sign this legislation into law as soon as possible.

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Solutions to improve COVID-19 vaccine access & protect intellectual property

On behalf of the patients we serve who are living with HIV, hepatitis, cancer, lupus, autoimmune diseases, and other serious chronic and complex conditions, we write to share recommendations to address global COVID-19 vaccine equity and access barriers. While we commend the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Office of the United States Trade Representative for prioritizing efforts to improve vaccine access, it must not come at the expense of waiving intellectual property (IP) protections.  To do so would have unprecedented effects on future medical development.

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