We appreciate all you are doing to make healthcare more accessible and affordable for beneficiaries, including several proposals contained in the proposed rule. While we support several of them, this letter focuses on those issues that impact access and affordability of prescription drugs.
Comments on 2025 draft letter to issuers in the federally-facilitated exchanges
The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute submitted comments recommending that the 2025 Draft Letter to Issuers in the Federal-facilitated Exchange include a reminder to issuers that copay assistance must be counted for all but brand name drugs with a generic equivalent, plans be flagged for adverse tiering when all or a majority of drugs to treat a certain condition are on the highest tiers, CMS takes a more proactive role in enforcement action against insurers that violate the law, and CCIIO fully reviews plans for benefit designs that discriminate against certain individuals.
Oppose domestic HIV programs cuts of $767 million & proposed amendments
The HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute urges all members of the House of Representatives to oppose the FY24 Labor HHS Appropriations Bill (HR 5894) due to the $767 million in cuts to HIV domestic prevention and treatment programs, massive cuts to other related programs, and the many damaging social policy riders that are directed to the communities most impacted by HIV.
Support for MA state bills to address barriers to HIV prevention medication
On behalf of the HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute, we respectfully submit this testimony in support of H.1085/S.619: An Act to address barriers to HIV prevention medication. We need to ensure that everyone is able to benefit from the results of the latest scientific innovations in HIV prevention. We urge the passage of this important bill to ensure that all Bay Staters using commercial insurance can access PrEP without a financial barrier or delay.
Impact of proposed elimination of HRSA HIV PrEP funding for community health centers
As part of $767 million of domestic HIV prevention and treatment funding cuts included in the House Labor, HHS Appropriations bill is the total elimination of a program initiated by the Trump administration that is a critical component of the Ending the HIV Epidemic program. The Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) program provides funding to HRSA’s community health centers in the communities most impacted by HIV to conduct activities to support and provide PrEP, which are highly effective medications that prevent HIV.